After watching part of Tuesday's inauguration, it's clear that there is an outpouring of hope for President Obama. Expectations are high, and he's still being treated like a rock star basking in the adulation of fans far and near.
I have to wonder if we're not getting carried away by all this hype. And, by "we," I mean media included. Witness this Associated Press article which surfaced yesterday afternoon. It first crossed the wire as an AP News Alert, which basically means that the AP considers it to be "breaking news." This longer article followed.
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Obama takes tour of White House press digs
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Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama has taken an impromptu tour of the White House press working area.
The new president caused a wild scene when he surprised members of the White House press corps with an appearance late Thursday afternoon.
He walked through the briefing room and soon found himself surrounded by journalists. He told them that he just wanted to say hello.
Then the president continued on, walking by the media outlets' booths and other work spaces that are spread across two floors.
(Copyright 2009 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
So, Barack Obama stops by to say hi to the White House press corps and the AP treats it as breaking news? Really?
I think we need to get over it and get on with it already.