Day Four of my vacation is nearing an end. So far, I haven't done much, but I've done a lot, if you know what I mean. For example, on Day One (Saturday), I gave the house a pretty thorough cleaning. Day Three, I used my new birthday shredder to empty out several file folders. I also finished semi-organizing my fire-salvaged photos. And today, I bought new sunglasses to replace the ones I lost at Marc's house, I bought new photo albums for those aforementioned fire-salvaged photos, and I trimmed the rose bushes in the back of the house and pulled out some giant weeds.
But, the really noteworthy accomplishment of Day Four has been finishing a book that I started abaout 10-weeks ago! (see the reading list section for my review) It normally doesn't take me that long to finish a book - especially not one by this author. But, for some reason, I had a lot of trouble getting into this one. Anyway, now that I'm finished, I can start on the latest from Patricia Cornwell. Hopefully, it won't take me 10-weeks to get through this one!
Also on Day Four, I signed up for Nutri-System. They're offering one free week of food, so I thought I'd take advantage and order before the offer expires. I expect the food to start arriving either this weekend or early next week. I'll try it, and see how it goes. I also want to start going back to the gym. That'll be next week - after vacation!
On Monday, when I go back to work, I'll just be a producer again. No more "acting EP." The new old guy started last week. I guess, ultimately, I'm still not sure management is where I want to be. Of course, the ND now knows that I can do a lot of things, and I think he plans to take advantage of that. So, my chance of a dependable schedule may have decreased dramatically.