Some comings and goings in the local Congressional races.
In the 10th District, Republican Don Ely is out, and is throwing his support behind Dan Meuser. You can read an article HERE or check out GORT for more info. By my count, that leaves four Republicans - Mueser, Chris Hackett, Paul Swiderski, and Davis Haire - in the running to challenge Chris Carney in November. Links to the candidates' websites are HERE.
In the 5th District, where John "80 Tolls Over My Dead Body" Peterson has decided to retire, the ballot is getting crowded. Businessman Matt Shaner, a Republican, was the first to announce. Now comes word that journalist and Iraq veteran Bill Cahir, a native of State College, is joining the fray on the Democratic side. You can read about him HERE. The post also mentions two former Centre County Commissioners and the mayor of Lock Haven as possible candidates.
Lest you worry that Peterson's retirement will remove a big roadblock to the 80 tolling plan, have no fear. JOHN GORDNER is here. According to the AP, the state senator from Columbia County will, within the next couple of weeks, introduce a bill that proposes to scrap tolls on 80 in favor of privatizing the Turnpike. The privatizing would be done in three phases and would also reportedly rule out leasing the road to foreigners. You can read the article HERE.