It's back to work tomorrow, after 9 days of doing pretty much nothing. My big trips were to MUSIKFEST in Bethlehem, and to Harrisburg to see the racquetball gang.
As for Musikfest, I went on Thursday afternoon. The day was humid and overcast, but there were only a few raindrops while I was there, which was good because I hadn't brought an umbrella. I bought some stuff, ran into a friend from high school, and enjoyed the musical stylings of Seamus Kennedy, billed as "an authentic Celtic performeroriginally from Belfast."
Seamus was quite entertaining. He sang one traditional song, then sang the praises of beer with about three straight sing-along drinking songs. Cheers!
Then, yesterday, I headed south to the Harrisburg area to meet up with my racquetball friends. The first stop was L.A. Fitness, where they now do their playing. I played a couple games of doubles, then managed to win two games of cut-throat. Not to bad, considering that the last time I played was the last time I was down there, which was January.
Afterwards, we went to the home of one of the ladies for a little picnic. My contribution was some fudge that I bought at Musikfest. Here's the 2007 version of the gang: