Last night, I took a break from homework and turned on the TV. The most interesting thing I could find was the 1981 flick BODY HEAT, starring William Hurt, Kathleen Turner and Ted Danson. (Didn't remember that he was in it, did you? Mickey Rourke has a role, too!) It's been a long time since I last saw it, but I recalled it very much living up to its title.
Anyway, by the time I turned it on, the movie was about half-way through and Turner, Hurt, Danson and company are in a conference room at a law office, going over details of a will. At one point, one of the lawyers pauses to ask if anyone minds if he smokes. Apparently, no one did, because not only did he smoke (a cigar, I think), but pretty much everyone else took advantage of the opportunity to light up a cigarette. Right there. In the conference room! Only Danson's character refused, saying that he would just breathe in the smoke from everyone else.
Can you imagine a scene like that being filmed today? Maybe if the movie were set in the past, but I bet the anti-smoking forces would put up a very big fuss.
Oh, how times have changed. But, the movie? "Body Heat" is still hot.