On the Section 4 we go for the on-going tech writing gig. I finished up Section 3 on Saturday. Well, OK, I did do a couple more items on Sunday - but only a couple! On Sunday, I also got started on Section 4, and I've just done a very little bit of work this morning. So, onward and upward. My current thinking is to have the whole damn thing finished in 3 or 4 weeks. After that, my current thinking is that I'm still thinking about it. Leaning toward not doing another one, but thinking that maybe I could do one around May or June. We'll see. I suppose the answer is largely dependent on whether I actually get asked to do another one.
Coming up, I anticipate doing my taxes and fixing up the web site. I bought a couple books on HTML. I guess I'll read at least one of them before I totally screw things up. No fun, I know, but probably better in the long run.