I managed to survive my stint on the weekend morning show. The hardest part was trying to stay awake. Even though I had Friday off, I didn't get much sleep before I had to go in to work that night. Then, when I got home on Saturday morning, I again couldn't get much sleep. I figure I had maybe six or seven hours for the whole weekend. I finally had some decent rest Sunday night, and I may take another nap shortly. Let's hope I don't have to work that shift again for a LONG time!
Had a little bit of excitement in the neighborhood last night. Fire trucks and an ambulance showed up around 10:15. I went out to see what was up, and met some of the neighbors. The problem seemed to be at the house on the corner. The neighbors said it was a group home for people with emotional problems. I never knew that. Anyway, the problem didn't seem to be that big (no smoke or flames that I could see). I finally asked one of the fire guys what the call was for, and he said a smell of smoke. After that, I lost interest, and the crews left about 20-minutes later.
One more note, after two-weeks on the diet, I've lost about three pounds.