Here it is less than 48 hours from a mid-term, my 401K is in the crapper, and the county where I live is making NATIONAL HEADLINES for all the wrong reasons. Yet, what am I doing? I'm sitting in my home office, tapping my fingernails on the desk as I ponder the points I plan to make.
Yeah, you heard right. I have fingernails! Fingernails that are long enough for tapping. And, strangely, despite all the stressful things going on right how, I have not chewed these new-found nails down to nubs.
People, this is big. I can't really explain why or how these nails got to be as long as they currently are - which is long enough to have a manicure if I were so inclined - which I'm not - yet - but, here they are. Fingernails. Ten of 'em.
It would appear that I have finally broken a habit that, I'm guessing, has been a habit for me for approximately 37 years.
It's not like I never tried to break the habit before. I did. Many times. I tried wearing gloves. I tried using that stuff that tastes terrible. I tried sheer willpower. None of it worked - not for very long anyway. When the nails did manage to grow, they were usually so brittle that they soon broke. And, then I had to bite them to keep them from breaking even more. You know how it is.
But, this time, it appears that I have broken the habit with no conscious effort at all. I wasn't even aware that I had stopped biting my fingernails until the day I noticed that I actually had fingernails. And, try as I might to break them, these current nails seem to be rather sturdy.
So, what gives? I don't know. Maybe it's the yoga.