
Jennifer D. Wade Journal

Welcome to my online diary, enjoy your stay!

Halfway There

One week down, one to go on the 5 & 5:30.  The new producer is doing well.  She did the 5:30 on Thursday and Friday while I did the 5:00.  So far, so good. 
I'm also working on a project for the ND.  He's having me coordinate a series about the local heroin problem.  It's tentatively scheduled to air tomorrow, but I think I'll end up pushing it back to Tuesday or Wednesday.  A third part is still up in the air, and I'd like to see if that can come together.  I don't think there's any big rush to do it.  Plus, we're out of sweeps.
I'm going to add a movie review section to the website, and see if I can dig up some more of my poems. 

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